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Priory Wellbeing Centre Harley Street,  UK

Title: Cultural perspectives of mental health beliefs and treatment expectations within the Chinese immigrant community


Chinese immigrants began to settle in the UK as earlier as the 19th century, and are also the fastest growing ethnic group today. However the research interest and policy focus on the Chinese immigrant community does not reflect either their long-standing presence or these recent developments. There are also few studies that address the intersection of culture in the field of mental health within the Chinese immigrant population. This study explores the mental health beliefs and mental health treatment expectations in the context of cultural perspectives within the Chinese immigrant community in the UK. Using a constructivist grounded theory methodology; intensive interviews are used to collect data from twelve participants. The data analysis results in the emergence of four categories: experiences in the context of cultural perspectives, changing mental health beliefs, evaluations of the service and a review of treatment expectations. From the data analysed, this study suggests a more comprehensive understanding mental health beliefs and mental health treatment expectations in the context of cultural perspectives within the Chinese immigrant community. Keywords: Chinese immigrant; culture; mental health; treatment expectations


Health and Care Professions Council and British Psychological Society registered counselling psychologist who is committed to deliver quality psychological care to clients. Able to work with individuals, couple and groups presenting with a range of psychological problems across the moderate to severe end of the mental health spectrum using the most clinically appropriate models, mostly CBT. I am committed in providing culturally competent mental services that meet the diverse needs of our communities. Have a strong communication skills and fluent in English and Mandarin Chinese.

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